First Edit Completed !
We finally did it! After a marathon 11 months of editing (give or take a week off here and there), at last we have a completed first cut of DAN & ALICE. Admittedly it has taken a lot longer to get to this stage of post-production than anticipated, but nevertheless it's a huge mile-stone and we can finally view the film as a whole.

Now it's over to our producers Anna G and Anna S, who will be studying this first cut before delivering valuable feedback and notes to our editing team. The film currently has a running time of just under two-and-a-half hours, so there's a lot of work to do to bring it down to a more indie-friendly minute count. But it's very exciting to be at this point having spent the entirety of 2018 in the edit suite.
After this, there'll likely be re-edits, re-shoots, and reworking before the rest of post-production can begin, so a long way to go before the film is complete and we can share the adventures of Alice and Dan with you, but we'll keep you updated as the process develops and continues.